About Us

About Us

Our Mission:

To create meaningful human experiences that foster interaction and understanding between cultures.

How We Deliver This Mission:

We have chosen swimming as our platform to engage, interact and collaborate between cultures. Australia's aquatic waterways are what we intend on sharing and how we do this is simple:

Swimming + English = Social Inclusion, Cultural Understanding, Employment Opportunity, Increased Physical Activity, Better Mental Health & Well Being

You will see us in the water with the CALD community (refugees, new arrivals, humanitarian entrants, migrants and international visitors) delivering 6-8 hour swimming and water safety programs, CPR and First Aid Awareness Programs on deck and in the classroom, in the ocean for our pool cross over programs, as well as training our CALD community as Bilingual Swimming Assistant, Swimming Teachers, Lifeguards and Pool Plant Operators. 

The Language & Culture of Australian Swimming Pools


Learn how to swim with Swim Logan - YouTube